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Mental Health & Wellbeing

t Longstone we recognise that good mental health is as important as good physical health. Our pupils are taught self-care techniques, including recognising and managing emotions, exercise, relaxation and how to build relationships through a rich and varied curriculum. We teach our children how they can help others with their mental health in age appropriate ways.

SMILERS Framework

We pride ourselves in nurturing our children and actively teaching them the skills to be mindful and to regulate and maintain their own good mental and physical wellbeing. We do so through a Derbyshire initiated mental health and wellbeing scheme named SMILERS. Each letter os the word SMILERS represents a different area of wellbeing. Each Wednesday at 1pm, we promote Wellbeing Wednesday where classes will learn how to address each area of wellbeing. 
Take a look at each area of our SMILERS curriculum click on the image below...


Working With Parents

  • Parents are an integral part of our goal to strive for the best possible mental health for our children. We actively promote good mental health for all and make it part of our mission to further educate our parents, local community and beyond about the benefits of good mental health.
  • Parents are always included in any concerns we have about a pupils’ health. We ensure that parents have a voice and recognise their contribution.

The Learning Environment

  • Calm & Peaceful Classrooms – our learning environments are set up to be safe and calming places for pupils to learn.  Adults understand the importance of creating spaces that are conducive to good mental health. 
  • Appreciating Nature & Beauty – we’ve created places to nurture mental health in our school grounds. Our willow dome, secret garden and wide green open spaces are used to foster children’s joy and wonder

How can I get help for my child?

If you are worried your child may be experiencing mental health issues, please talk to your child's class teacher, Mrs Rawding or Mr. Beahan.

 National helplines and advice website 
If you would like some guidance about talking to your child about emotions this BBC link has some great advice.

  •  Childline website offers a range of support and advice on anything that may be worrying you. They can offer counselling and 1-2-1 support
  • MindEd for Families. Are you a parent or carer who is worried about their child's mental health? Do you want some hints or tips on parenting? MindEd for Families has advice from trusted experts.  
  • YOUNG MINDS is the UK’s leading charity committed to improving the emotional well being and mental health of children and young people. Click on this link to find out more information and for a Parent Phone line you can call for free advice.   
  • Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families - Tips for Talking to your Children about Mental Health 
  • LGBTQ CyberBullying: A guide for parents