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Our vision is to be the school of choice for our local communities where every child is nurtured, a love of learning ignited and each child shines.  We are an inclusive and nurturing Christian school rooted in the heart of our rural communities.  We want our children to be passionate about learning and to equip them with the tools that will enable them to flourish academically, emotionally and spiritually.

Admissions Principles

As an aided school, the governing board of Longstone CE (VA) Primary School are responsible for the admissions policy and decisions on applications for admission to the school. All policies are reviewed and determined annually. They are written to comply with the School Admissions Code and School Admissions Appeals Code.

All matters pertaining to the admissions of children to Longstone CE (VA) Primary School will be conducted with the highest integrity.  Principles of transparency, honesty and fairness will always apply. 

Allocating Places

In the event of any of the above categories being over-subscribed, the Local Governing Body will take those children whose home address is nearest to the school / academy measured by the Local Authority’s computerised measuring system.  In the case of flats, all applicants will be treated as equidistant from the school. The Local Authority’s computerised measuring system will be used to determine these distances. 

Applying for a place

To apply for a place for September 2024, the parent must complete the Common Application Form (CAF) available from the home local authority (the authority in whose area the child resides). In order for the application to be considered as ‘on time’ the CAF must be submitted to your home local authority by 23:59 hours on 15 January 2024. The CAF may be completed and submitted using the home local authority’s 5 ‘on line’ procedure, or as a paper form. Full details about the application process and information about the schools in the local authority area are explained in the ‘Composite Prospectus’ document, which each local authority must make available on 12th September annually. Parents will receive an admission decision in writing from the local authority on or about 16 April 2024, according to the procedure set out in the local authority’s Composite Prospectus. 

In year admissions

Longstone participates in the Local Authority’s Co-ordinated Admission Scheme for in-year admissions. Details of the Co-ordinated Admission Scheme and how in year applications are managed can be seen at Changing schools - Derbyshire County Council and applications can be made at:

                          Apply for a school place

Prospective parents are encouragedto visitthe school and speak with the Headteacher prior to any decision about requests for entry being taken.

Children with special educational needs and disabilities

Children are admitted to the school in accordance with the admission criteria. We do not discriminate for or against children with special educational needs or disabilities and ask parents to fully inform the school of the nature of any known educational physical, medical or social needs when expressing a preference for their child to attend this school. This information will ensure that the child’s entry to the school is as smooth as possible and help inform the level of provision the school can make to meet the individual needs of the child.