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Dahl Class

Welcome to Dahl's Class Page!

Class teacher: Miss Fox

We are a mixed Year 2 / Year 3 class and here is where you will find useful information about our class.

Click on the Knowledge Organiser links to find out what we'll be learning about this half-term.

Remember to check Seesaw to see what we get up to!

Important information:


Dahl have PE on a Tuesday and Friday. Children need to come in kit on these days. Please ensure they have their hoodies with them as outdoor PE takes place in most weathers! 


Every Friday, homework will be posted on Seesaw. There will be homework for grammar and maths taken from the CGP workbooks that have been sent home with the children. Homework should be completed in the following week and uploaded back to Seesaw.


A different spelling rule is taught each week and will be studied in spelling lessons. Spelling lists will be in your child's planner every Friday. Children also have access to Spelling Shed to practice the spellings using a wide variety of fun, engaging games. Their logins can also be found in the front of planners.

Dahl Knowledge Organisers: