How To Become A Governor
If you are interested in becoming a governor, please email or contact the school office.
The Different Types of Governors
As a Voluntary Aided Church of England school, our governing board consists of a variety of different types of governors, all of whom are volunteers:
- Foundation Governors
Foundation governors are appointed to the governing boards of voluntary controlled and voluntary aided schools by the Derby Diocesan Board of Education to preserve the religious character of the school. They ensure that decisions made by the Governing Board uphold our Christian vision and, like all School Governors, they act as critical partners to the school.
The Governing Board of the school holds places for seven Foundation Governors.
- Local Authority Governors
Local Authority Governors are volunteers from the local community who are nominated by the local authority.
- Parent Governors
Parent Governors offer a perspective from the parent community. Parent governors have the same responsibilities as other types of governor
- Staff Governors
A staff governor is elected as a representative of staff voice. Their role is to bring a staff perspective to discussions held by the governing board.
- Associate Governors
When a school has no governor vacancies but is in need of someone with specific skills, an associate governor may be appointed. Associate members have no voting rights on the full governing board, but may vote on any subcommittees to which they have been appointed.