Relationships, Sex & Health Education
At Longstone C of E Primary School, we want the teaching of safeguarding to play an integral part in our children’s learning and life. As a church school we have focussed strongly on the Church of England 'Valuing All God's Children' document in order to shape and design our PSHE and PSHE curriculum offer.
We believe a safeguarding focussed RSHE curriculum is essential to enable our children to navigate their way through the modern world and be successful, valuable and socially responsible citizens who know how to keep themselves safe and well. By teaching through the Derbyshire PSHE Matters curriculum we ensure that RSHE expectations are met. Through this provision, we nurture our children so that they will be well-equipped, with the belief in themselves, to make informed decisions about their life choices and how they impact on their own and others’ lives. In addition to this we prepare them for success so that they shine in their education, career and for life in modern Britain both now and in their future. By igniting a curiosity in the aspects surrounding RSHE, we enable our children to develop their own skills, knowledge and understanding of how to be who they are, understand the world they are growing up in and how to keep themselves safe in all areas of their world