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Rowling Class

Class teacher: Mr Raybould


Welcome to the Rowling class webpage. Here, you'll find important information about what goes on in the life of Rowling class.

Rowling class is the upper key stage two class comprising year 5 and year 6 students.

Click on the Knowledge Organiser links to find out what's happening in each subject area this half-term.

PE Days:

Rowling's PE days are Tuesday and Thursday. Both days are standard PE days and children will come to school in PE kit. Please ensure children have their hoodies as PE continues to take place outdoors in most weathers.


Every Friday, homework will be posted on Seesaw. There will be homework for grammar and maths taken from the CGP workbooks that have been sent home with the children. Homework should be completed in the following week and uploaded back to Seesaw.

Additionally, all children should spend time reading each evening as well as practising times tables on Times Table Rock Stars.

Personalised homework for Year 6 will be posted on Seesaw and will be based on necessary learning about specific areas highlighted in the past SATs papers.


Spelling Lists:

Spelling lists will be given to children every Friday. The list will reflect the learning from the previous 4/5 days of learning.

Spelling rules:

There will be a different spelling rule taught each week and will be studied in spelling lessons on Mondays and Tuesdays. Spelling Shed can be accessed to practice the spellings.

Vital Vocabulary:

In all subjects, there are lists of vital vocabulary that children will be introduced to. Through revisiting the vocabulary each week, children will become familiar with a wide range of subject-specific language.

Rowling Knowledge Organisers: