School Uniform
We feel it is important that children feel comfortable and happy whilst at school. Wearing a uniform unites us as a Longstone family, a place where we are all nurtured as equals, but have the opportunity to remain unique individuals. The school encourages the wearing of uniform and the children enjoy showing that they belong to the school in this way.
New school uniform can be ordered via and it will be sent to school free of charge.
Second hand uniform is available in the school entrance, donations can be made via the FOLS postbox if you do so wish.
School Uniform Guidelines
GIRLS (Reception to Y5)
Royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan
Grey skirt, pinafore or trousers
White* polo shirt
Black shoes
BOYS (Reception to Y5)
Royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan
Grey trousers
White* polo shirt
Black shoes
Navy blue sweatshirt or cardigan
Grey Skirt, pinafore or trousers
White* polo shirt
Black shoes
Navy blue sweatshirt or cardigan
Grey trousers
White* polo shirt
Black shoes
We aim for our uniform to be as affordable as possible for our families, therefore uniform does not HAVE to have the Longstone logo on; it could just be one bought from a high street shop or supermarket.
PE Kit
Children must have a PE kit. The PE kit should be kept in a PE bag which should be kept in school on your child's cloakroom peg all week.
Navy shorts
Navy blue T-shirt
Your child may need additional kit for PE such as gum shields, shin pads, studded footwear, swimming costume and towel. You will be informed separately if these are needed.
Summer Uniform
Girls may wear school dresses in blue check.
Boys and girls may wear grey shorts.
Sandals may be worn as long as they have a strap (no flip flops or crocs please).
Sun hats or school caps may be worn at break times and lunch times.
We are unable to apply sunscreen to your child so please ensure that you apply it before they come to school.
Children are not permitted to wear items of jewellery. They may wear studs if they have their ears pierced. Earrings that cannot be removed by a child will be covered by micropore tape for PE lessons. Other personal items such as wristwatches may be worn but the school accepts no responsibility for their safety.
Lost Property
Lost property, which is not named, will be kept for a limited period in a box near the office and then it will be disposed of.
Please label your child's clothes as things do go astray.